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NIMS-ICS-UC-IAP-ACP: Acronyms For Safe Events

NIMS-ICS-UC-IAP-ACP: Acronyms For Safe Events

Sound complicated? Many people immediately turn off when faced with a blizzard of confusing letters all indicating…well, something.  But a festival organization should recognize these terms. They represent an efficient and organized method, a structure, which can help provide a safe and secure experience for guests, staff, and performers.

At a major event in 2014, the Bureau of Land Management noted a public safety incident at an outdoor event hosting 60,000 people. At one point, in response to an unfortunate fatality caused by an auto accident, emergency responders from the BLM, the event medical team, and the local hospital ended up in a heated argument while gathered around the body.  Why? Because they could not agree who was in charge!

This confusion was attributed to a missing element called ICS/UC: Incident Command System/Unified Command.
